Answered Prayers

by Ashley Silverii, Global Passion Trip Leader


As we walked around the neighborhood on our outreach, we were approached on the street by a woman. She asked us, “Do you have any diapers?” To which I responded with, “No, why?”

She went on to tell me that her friend had just left an abusive relationship and had been rendered homeless with her two children, both under the age of two. So she took them into her home. At age 19, she is working full time to support not only her son, but her friend and her friend’s children.

The story ended with her explaining to me that they were in desperate need of diapers.

I took a moment to evaluate and realized that the team had some extra ministry funds for moments exactly like these. Without hesitation, I explained to her that we would love to get some diapers for them. As a new mom, I know how crucial diapers are. We left immediately to go to the store.

When we returned, the women gave us hugs and looked me in the eyes and told me that this was an answered prayer. It was such an honor to be a part of this mama’s miracle.

This is Las Vegas. Not the Las Vegas you see in the movies, but Las Vegas nonetheless. On this trip, I encountered such a variety of people and ministry: inner city kids, youth, adults, the homeless and low income families.

The woman that we met was the result of a block party at the end of our 3 day VBS. We invited the families of the children who attended the VBS to come out for free food, clothing, games, dramas, and a gospel message. Laughter and joy replaced the normal hatred and violence that fills these streets.

God showed up in a big way, and I’m so glad we were there to be a part of it, too.


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